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Devil's Head Coffee

Calgary, AB
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Devil's Head CoffeeDevil's Head Coffee


Devils Head Coffee, like so many other businesses was born out of passion. Being active outdoor enthusiasts, we were always spending our spare time figuring out what our next objective was. Backpacking, mountain biking, climbing in the summer, and ice climbing in the winter we found ourselves awake very early heading for the hills with really horrible coffee. We decided to change that and started roasting coffee on a small pop-corn popper. Quickly realizing that we could only roast a few grams at a time, we upgraded to a little electric drum roaster. It was awesome! We now always had freshly roasted coffee, but our friends and family soon caught on and we found ourselves roasting 50 lbs a month on a tiny little machine in our laundry room in a basement suite in Bowness. Haha, We were venting the smoke out behind a sketchy little faded pink curtain, and every so often a neighbour would come knocking and ask what the heck was going on! So I showed them and they would buy coffee from us.Once we moved to our home we graduated to a garage! We got a 1 kg roaster, and were starting to do a bit of volume for folks we knew. We quickly realized that we needed a space to do this professionally so we could attend markets, and really start to get our name out there. We found a space to get us started and grow a little bit, and we immediately upgraded our roaster to our current size of 5 kg. It has been quite the journey moving from our laundry room so many years ago!Now, we have our own space to hang our hats, and take that next step for our business. We couldnt have done any of this without our supporters, so thank you for everything, and we look forward to serving you into the future!

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