Five’21's adventure began in an unexpected place - a basement, where coffee beans were roasted in a whirley popcorn maker, surrounded by shelves and storage boxes. It was here that co-founder Trevor first experimented with his homemade coffee recipes, bringing them to his Fire Station crew in craft paper bags for their feedback and to gather tasting notes. Buoyed by their encouragement, Five’21 began its growth journey - from an AHS health and safety approved workshop nestled in a garage to a dedicated facility in Calgary’s barley belt.
It was at this point that the paths of Matt and Trevor intersected, leading them into a roller coaster ride of ceaseless learning, driven by their shared passion for ethically-sourced, locally-roasted coffee. Their aim: to cater to those coffee enthusiasts who value both quality and intentional living.
At Five’21, our credo is 'Fueling Intention Living', and we just happen to produce exceptional coffee to kickstart your day. Our goal is not just about survival - it's about thriving. We aim to empower our community through regular contributions, fostering growth and well-being, not just mere survival. We're ardent believers in the power of individuals and strive to elevate our service to enhance the customer experience.