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This is where our story begins with a man named Jim. Addicted to heroin, crack cocaine & alcohol, Jim was at the end of his rope, fighting addiction, contemplating suicide and homeless. He had lost all hope. On the streets of Calgary, Alberta Canada, four men who were local pastors, hit the streets and met Jim. They listened. They shared with him about hope. Hope found in Jesus. That fateful night he knew things needed to change so he agreed to go to a local recovery center. His life would never be the same. He went from being a violent, angry addict to a gentleman. Jim's life completely turned around. Sadly in December 2015, Jim passed away from a tragic workplace accident. We are thankful these four men took the time to love Jim and share with him that life-transforming hope. Jim was my father. We believe if a few men can love Jim, then we, in turn, can love other people who are struggling like he was. Today we take the time to share our coffee with people, hearing their stories, letting them know someone is listening. We believe this love can restore families as it has restored ours.
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