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Pangea Coffee Roasters was established in 2013 by Matt Kurgan and Amanda Krenn, a couple with a combined 15 years of experience in the coffee industry (which is also how they met!). They seized the perfect opportunity in Golden, CO, leasing a small warehouse to roast coffee on a Diedrich IR-3. They quickly secured a few wholesale accounts and ran a small coffee truck at local events and farmers markets to promote their brand. Their venture rapidly expanded, leading to the opening of a retail store in Downtown Golden in 2015. Matt and Amanda are excited about growing their business in Golden, CO, where it all began, and continuing to innovate in the specialty coffee industry. When they're not roasting or making drinks at the shop (which is quite often!), they're out exploring the beautiful Colorado outdoors. They enjoy biking, hiking, and camping - activities that attracted them to Colorado over a decade ago. They can also be found sampling coffee from other Colorado roasters or visiting the state's many excellent restaurants and microbreweries.

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