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We are Carly and Michael, the founders of Raefen Coffee Roasters. We chose the coffee world to slow it down and share stories with people over a freshly roasted cup of coffee (or tea). We believe in the power of connection over a great cup of coffee (or tea). You can usually catch Carly at the farmers markets and events around Edmonton. She is the one who has travelled and love to entertain people about the wonderful connections made while travelling. She happens to also be the wearer of many hats in this business. Carly's experience of three decades as a cook and chef along with the travel adventures, has helped her to create Raefen as more than just a coffee roasting company. When you meet Carly you will find out straight away the passion she has for the products she makes and for the people she has met over the years that contribute to the many chapters of her life. Carly loves the unique connection that our life stories told over a cup of Raefen's freshly roasted coffee can make. Michael is an investor and partner with Carly in Raefen. He is a power engineer that still works up north however, on his days off he is roasting Raefen's amazing coffee and, on occasion, at the farmers markets to connect with our supporters. His goal is to retire into the coffee world! Michael's love of coffee and the flavour profiles one can achieve from roasting as well as the connections he can make through a (soon to be) roastery cafe, inspired him to invest in this little venture called Raefen Coffee Roasters. Come share a cup of coffee and story with us at a local farmers market and we look forward to meeting you real soon! Cheers! ‍
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